Trails we leave behind....
The biggest mistake we as a country have made in the past 30 years (my adult life perspective) is that we have allowed people who immigrate (legally or illegally) to dictate thru the courts what those who PAID THE PRICE TO CREATE THE AMERICA THAT WAS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, would be allowed to keep...Those whose ony contribution is that they somehow got here are now the ones who are the ones who have the final say in what traditions must be abolished because they are offended.
It is hard for me to believe that they did not know what America believed in and what kind of country we created (with God's help and direction). In my America, I have NEVER seen anyone forced to give up their traditions and heritages except Christians. In America today, we MUST give preference to EVERY alternative, even though those that are demanding we indoctrinate our school children in every major world religion and cult see no problem with removing EVERY reference to the faith and works based on following the principles of Jesus the Christ for no other reason than to not offend people who have come late to the party, paid NONE of the price, but now DEMAND EQUAL rights and protections that the founders paid for with their life savings, reputations and even their own lives.
I don't know a single, truely practicing Christian that advaocates that ALL must worship the God of the Bible. They all witness at a personal level with those whom they come into contact with that are hurting and are looking for answers that they are not able to find within their own belief systems, but they in no way DEMAND that certain practices MUST be disallowed under penalty of law suits, fines and the threat of imprisonment... we share the personal testimony of what God does in our lives and then leave them to chose what they should do (that choice is given to us all by a God that wants only a free-will, loving relationship). We do not tell them they MUST follow our ways, but they are free to reap all that is good when they choose the God of the Bible, and are allowed the to reap the negative that comes with rejecting the Gospel of Jesus.
When we look around and see the lack of respect for any authority, does anyone wonder WHY? Children are no longer taught that there is anything more important than their own wants of the moment... the courts have created no-win situations for parents. We can not monitor their behavior, but when they do break the law... it is the parents who are held accountable.
The state of confusion reigns everywhere... our leaders in government are morally bankrupt and offer no real leadership... everyone gets along to go along... rock the boat and you will lose your place within the Amercian Royalty class. The sports professionals have shown that it is ok to do whatever it takes to succeed... after all, a $100 million dollar contract is certainly worth "helping" you own natural gifts... especially when NO AMOUNT OF HARDWORK ALONE WILL EVER PRODUCE THE NEXT HOME-RUN KING.... oh well... who cares that thousands of young boys will learn too late that the cost of steriods will NEVER be reimbursed by ANY amount of money they might make... and only when it becomes a liability to the bottom-line will "leaders" speak out against these CHEATERS... when they are filling the stadiums and TV ratings are up... they are hero's... when they finally cut deals to save themselves and what ever is left of their self-respect... then the hand-wringing begins...
If every Christian in America would start this THANKSGIVING AND CHRISTMAS season to take back OUR America, we could do it in less than a year. Stores that are willing to offend 80-90% of their customer base to avoid offending a few atheists would find out quickly how fast the bottom line is affected. When courts no longer hold any respect from the people they derive their power from, they will soon realize that the WILL of the people is to honor God.. not chase Him from the home He gave us... America thrived when immigrants came to America to BE Americans. The era of the hyphenated American has to go.. it divides us and we all know that a house divided against itself can not stand!!! If the heritage and values of your homeland are so great, then stay there.. don't presume to come to America and demand we change to accomodate you. All who want to embrace what America was founded on are welcome... those values are freedom to worship as you see fit (not freedom FROM religion), persue happiness as long as it does not encroach on the happiness of others and to live a life free to follow your dreams as long as you understand that you have responsibilty and accountability that goes along with that freedom.
More to follow... keep dialed in.. the best is yet to come :-)
It is hard for me to believe that they did not know what America believed in and what kind of country we created (with God's help and direction). In my America, I have NEVER seen anyone forced to give up their traditions and heritages except Christians. In America today, we MUST give preference to EVERY alternative, even though those that are demanding we indoctrinate our school children in every major world religion and cult see no problem with removing EVERY reference to the faith and works based on following the principles of Jesus the Christ for no other reason than to not offend people who have come late to the party, paid NONE of the price, but now DEMAND EQUAL rights and protections that the founders paid for with their life savings, reputations and even their own lives.
I don't know a single, truely practicing Christian that advaocates that ALL must worship the God of the Bible. They all witness at a personal level with those whom they come into contact with that are hurting and are looking for answers that they are not able to find within their own belief systems, but they in no way DEMAND that certain practices MUST be disallowed under penalty of law suits, fines and the threat of imprisonment... we share the personal testimony of what God does in our lives and then leave them to chose what they should do (that choice is given to us all by a God that wants only a free-will, loving relationship). We do not tell them they MUST follow our ways, but they are free to reap all that is good when they choose the God of the Bible, and are allowed the to reap the negative that comes with rejecting the Gospel of Jesus.
When we look around and see the lack of respect for any authority, does anyone wonder WHY? Children are no longer taught that there is anything more important than their own wants of the moment... the courts have created no-win situations for parents. We can not monitor their behavior, but when they do break the law... it is the parents who are held accountable.
The state of confusion reigns everywhere... our leaders in government are morally bankrupt and offer no real leadership... everyone gets along to go along... rock the boat and you will lose your place within the Amercian Royalty class. The sports professionals have shown that it is ok to do whatever it takes to succeed... after all, a $100 million dollar contract is certainly worth "helping" you own natural gifts... especially when NO AMOUNT OF HARDWORK ALONE WILL EVER PRODUCE THE NEXT HOME-RUN KING.... oh well... who cares that thousands of young boys will learn too late that the cost of steriods will NEVER be reimbursed by ANY amount of money they might make... and only when it becomes a liability to the bottom-line will "leaders" speak out against these CHEATERS... when they are filling the stadiums and TV ratings are up... they are hero's... when they finally cut deals to save themselves and what ever is left of their self-respect... then the hand-wringing begins...
If every Christian in America would start this THANKSGIVING AND CHRISTMAS season to take back OUR America, we could do it in less than a year. Stores that are willing to offend 80-90% of their customer base to avoid offending a few atheists would find out quickly how fast the bottom line is affected. When courts no longer hold any respect from the people they derive their power from, they will soon realize that the WILL of the people is to honor God.. not chase Him from the home He gave us... America thrived when immigrants came to America to BE Americans. The era of the hyphenated American has to go.. it divides us and we all know that a house divided against itself can not stand!!! If the heritage and values of your homeland are so great, then stay there.. don't presume to come to America and demand we change to accomodate you. All who want to embrace what America was founded on are welcome... those values are freedom to worship as you see fit (not freedom FROM religion), persue happiness as long as it does not encroach on the happiness of others and to live a life free to follow your dreams as long as you understand that you have responsibilty and accountability that goes along with that freedom.
More to follow... keep dialed in.. the best is yet to come :-)