Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Let's not forget

What country (besides America) extends ALL the benefits of citizenship to visitors and temporary workers.... does the Middle East embrace my Christianity and DEMAND I be able to worship God and His Son Jesus just like I do in America??? I think not... in fact, if an American women travels to middle east countries, she MUST adapt the to the clothing and second class treatment of their own women citizens or face SERIOUS reactions (Ms. Hassan who was recently beheaded seems to be a pretty good example of how they treat those who would try to help them...)

Seems we need to EDUCATE our elected officials and judges.... CITIZENS HAVE SPECIFIC RIGHTS GUARANTEED BY OUR CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS.... NON-citizens have the RIGHT TO GO BACK TO THEIR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN if they don't like OUR country.... they DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHANGE OUR COUNTRY INTO A 3RD WORLD replica of what they left behind...

Our MAJOR business leaders need to understand what they are trading away for their own bonus package... being a bizillionaire won't mean much if they destabilize the American working middle-class... they will wind up spending all their fortunes to insure the safety of their families and property from a growing class of people who have nothing.. and nothing to lose....

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Only in America...

Have we learned NOTHING??? Now the FAR-LEFT crowd is demanding that the President reach out to THEM to make everything better. Guess what? YOU LOST!!! You need to figure out how to align yourselves with MAINSTREAM America. We will help, we will not DO IT FOR YOU and carry you every step of the way... get educated, read, HELP SOMEONE BESIDES YOURSELF, GO BACK TO CHURCH... things can get better, but not if you keep trying to drag down the standard of what is acceptable and good for society... instead, help people REACH HIGHER :-)

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Get a clue...

If we learn nothing else, it should bcome apparent that the majority of America wants a safe place to work and play... we have rejected the notion of the hi-jacked DNC that we want gay marriage, free everything provided from lucky, rich people and MORE government. Outside of the desolate inner cities of the major metropolitan areas, people want good jobs that they believe they will be able to retire from after a long and prosperous career... not a government handout. The inner cities are a great example of government "do-gooders" running out of control. We learn as kids that we take care of the things we work for and buy for ourselves.. the stuff that is given to us does not hold much value past its' initial use. We do a disservice to people when we tell them for generations that they can not make it without government or political party help. Now is not the time to try to understand the feelings of the left... they are simply WRONG! They are trying to establish a form of socialism that has FAILED everywhere it has been tried. We need VALUES, CHARACTER and REALITY. Those characteristics are encouraged and taught in homes of FAITH IN BIBLICAL TRUTHS. It is time for the not-so-silent majority to make it clear... this is the home of AMERICAN values and freedoms... we are predominately CHRISTIAN... if you are not looking for those values, GO SOMEWHERE WHERE THE THINGS YOU WANT ARE BEING PRACTICED.. do not come to America and expect us to throw away what generations have built to pass to their families to accomodate your traditions... if they are so great, WHY DID YOU LEAVE TO COME HERE???

The government should get out of the lives of its' citizens... it does not owe us health-care, housing or food. It DOES owe us security and policies that do not PUNISH AMERICAN companies that want to build a better America. When we want to open up foreign markets, we partner up with LOCAL business people in the countries where we are trying to sell our products and create LOCAL opportunitites for those markets... or we pay HIGH tariffs and rely on having BETTER products to compete. We need to make those same rules apply for other countries who want to sell us their stuff! Build plants here and hire people and create stable economies to sell your goods and services to... at the same time, WASHINGTON NEEDS BUSINESSMEN - NOT LAWYERS to help create a climate that helps our local businesses succeed - not tax them out of business while the off-shore competition under-cuts, under-bids and takes our prosperity away. America also NEEDS to build our manufacturing capability back up... our SECURITY depends on our being able to produce all that we need quickly. That was key to our success in WWII... and it helps create a solid and healthy middle-class. If we lose that, we become a 3rd world country over-night.

It is time to start looking to the future. Our grandparents always showed us that they were building a better America for us and our grandkids... the current society seems to be looking out for what they can get for themselves NOW... it is not to late to insure that the America we inherited from previous generations will silll be there for our grandchildren and their kids... we just need to stop rewarding BAD stuff and encouraging GOOD stuff... make the Washington elite go back to work for US... not the other way around :-D