Sunday, December 05, 2004

Maybe we NEED a clue...

With the latest round of photo's from Iraq from kids showing off to family and friends back home, it may be time to FORCE some intellegence and maturity back into the lower levels of the military... when I was in the military back in the early 70's, and having spent my entire life as a GI brat before I enlisted, I don't remember having the amount of freedom to do STUPID things that these young GI's seem to have. I don't recall having any rights (except to do the job I was assigned). If the leadership is telling these guys NO pictures.... WHERE ARE THEY GETTING CAMERAS TO TAKE THE PICTURES???

I remember having to stand at attention at the door of my room regularly while those who were appointed to watch over me made sure that the things I had in my possession were first AUTHORIZED and that they were where they were supposed to be, and secondly for me to understand that THEY took their job regarding my conduct VERY seriously... and therefore I took it seriously.

I know there are a minority of STUPID, emotionally needy people that will always drag those around them down... but why are there so many of them in the military now? Perhaps we need to teach civics and the responsibilities of citizenship in a free society in schools again instead of self-esteem. Perhaps if they understood WHY this was important (values based on something other than the shifting sands of public opinion of the moment), it would be easier for them to make better decisions.

FREEDOM COSTS SOMETHING.. for some it costs them ALL that is dear.... lets start wanting to be better, not just better off...


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