Sunday, December 05, 2004

How did we get here?

How did 200 years of the unabashed belief in the promise of Christianity at the founding of the social experiment called America suddenly became UNCONSTITUTIONAL? How is it that in American schools today, our foundational documents can no longer be brought into the classroom because they acknowledge the dependance in the Almighty at the very foundation of this country? How can the same body of men and women who submit to that authority in the traditions of the Senate and the House of Representatives are now working OVERTIME to deny that same expression anywhere else in America?

It seems to me that while Bible believing, God fearing men and women have gone about the business of raising families and CONTRIBUTING to their communities and churches... those who OPPOSE God's plan for America have invested in the enemies of historical American values.... they have created organizations like the ACLU (Anti-Christian Lawyers United) .

With their almost limitless resources and commitment to socialist utopia, they have taken powerful positions in government, education and the judicial (CRIMINAL JUSTICE not victim justice) system. Since they don't have a commitment to the traditional family values that BUILT America and the God of the Bible that blessed the US... they have more time to influence a growing segment of society that has NO REAL PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE of Christianity or Christ (except the constant reminders of high-profile failures in Christian leadership that the enemies of America keep exploiting).

While Christians know and understand at a very personal level that we are ALL sinners saved by the miraculous grace God showed at Calvary when He allowed His Son to be crucified so that all of His children could be joined back to Him in eternity, those who have not experienced God's true salvation and accepted the sacrifice of Jesus for their own sins can not see or understand the benefits that God has showered on this country... they are blinded to His bounty and have fallen under the illusion that man created this for himself... sadly, unsaved America won't see the Truth until we have fallen... then it may be too late (for them).

The followers of Jesus have to start to hold fast to what is important... Jesus LOVED those who were against Him, but He did NOT tolerate nor compromise with those who were actively perusing evil... living in the sinful lives they chose. He spoke the Truth to those who were hurting... did not tell them they were ok... told them to turn from their sin (repent) and honor God with their lives, not just with their words. Those that did went on to live amazing lives that impacted the world for centuries... we should do no less since we already KNOW the Truth and have lived in His grace most of our lives...

The work of the Church is not done... we just have to find time in our already filled up lives to make sure that we represent the Lord in the world we live in until He returns to take us back home... and make it a priority to put Christ FIRST when we are called on to deal with tough issues that are threatening to destroy the country that God has blessed us with...

Thought for the day: JESUS is the reason for the season... the rest is frosting on the cake :-) May you all have a politically incorrect MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Happy New Year!!!


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